Sunday, August 1, 2010

Season 1 overview, how far I am in Season 2, and the amount of episodes I'm planning on...

Two posts this day! Whoo! I'm on a role!

Anyway, last post I commented saying that season 1 was finished. I went back through it after that and made some changes, I'm really excited for how it turned out and really excited to send it off to some studios. If this was made into a TV series I would be so glad...

This is my overview for season 1:

Band Class originally started Fall of 2009 and has been an off and on project for me for the past almost going on a year. The first episode was the idea of everyone getting the flu and 9 more ideas grew in my head. Well I lost the freaking paper, argh! So, a few months later, I sat down at the computer, typed and wrote until I came up with a few episodes. Over the next couple of weeks the idea grew, and grew, and grew, and grew, unil I had a scheduled 13 episodes. Tonight I went through all my old papers, found the first 10 episodes, and the lost 8. Combined some of them, typed them all up, and came up with Band Class season 1. Season 1 includes a lot of 1-hour 3to4-part specials. One of which includes the Brats getting locked in a mall overnight, and a movie being filmed at their school. The season finale is by far my favorite, it was originally quite dull, then I spiced it up and made it ridiculously funny. I went through the project one more time, then saved it as Band Class Season 1 Completed. Well, it's sort of completed, I still need to add the characters' names, but basically, it's done.

I commented on last post saying I was about 6 episodes into Season 2. Well, when I come up with all of the ideas, I do a Band Class Season 2 Pitched Ideas. I had six pitched ideas. I combined them and came up with three at the computer. Then I did a 4-part Halloween special, which includes a vampire army, that's my favorite episode. I eventually came up with a fully outlined 11 episodes, this means I'm more than halfway through. The Bratty Girls also get locked in a graveyard overnight, and in a science lab and printing room too. That's also a classic part in the season, they always get locked in rooms and things every few episodes. I plan to finish season 2 tonight, just 10 more episodes, right now my mind is swarming with scrambled ideas. I'll post tomorrow saying if I succeeded or not.

Disney Channel used to allow only 65 episodes for each series. but then they dropped that. Hannah Montana has a scheduled 96 episodes, a 1-hour series finale, so 97 really. Right now Wizards is scheduled for a 86 episodes. But only 4 are listed for season 4, they are also making a movie 2. I'm guestimating this series will end up over 120 episodes. Good Luck Charlie is well past filming their 124th episode, "Pushing Buttons." So that's really long. I'm planning on six seasons, plus a few movies. This would account for 126 episodes, plus 3 movies. This is a lot. I will plot out as much as I can possibly think up, I'm adding up about 80, then I will copyright it all and begin sending it off to different studios and stuff. I'm 32 episodes into the series, just about 48 more until I copyright them all.

Until next time,


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