Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Love Notes: First 5 episodes.

Since I'm working on multiple TV series right now the title for the post will say the TV series this post is about. So, clearly, this post is about Love Notes.

I went to work on the first season of Love Notes last night, so far I have no idea how I'm getting a season 2, or 3, or 4 out of it, but things tend to happen once you finish the first. I have the first 5 episodes done so far, each 43 minutes long, and it's so far my favorite to do. It's just fun.

Each episode will feature a boy and a girl about their relationship. Except for the first episode, it features on only one girl's relationship.

The people of Love Notes:

Timothy (Tim): Drummer, leader of the band.
Bridgit: Lead singer.
Michael (Mike): Lead guitarist.
Jared: Second guitarist.
Vanessa: Pianist

The people who like each other: Tim likes Bridgit. Bridgit likes the football captain. Vanessa and Mike like each other. Jared is still trying to get his ex-girlfriend to go out with him.

There's one more relationship: Jerry, the principal of Fort Ship High School, where Love Notes goes to, keeps messing up with his girlfriend Rebecca.

If I can't get another season out of this I'm going to write it as a movie and I know some people that can post it in studios and stuff. But so far the series is going good, and it's really fun.

I'll have the first few episodes up here as soon as possible.

Until next time,


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