Monday, August 2, 2010

Season 1 and 2 and how far I am in season 3

And I now present the officially finished final Season 1 and Season 2 of the TV series Band Class:


Season 1

1. Geek Likes Brat, Brat Likes Jock

Geek arrives at new school and is asked to teach the Band Class students how to play their instruments because the Band teacher is always sleeping, he is old. Geek meets Nerd and Geek wants to ask Bratty Girl #1 out, but Nerd tries to convince him not to. He has flashbacks of his perfect Band Class.

#1 wants to ask out Jock out but #2 tries not to convince her not to. #2 has flashbacks of her time dating Jock. The Jock is not who he seems to be.

2. Distorted Events

Band Class has been preparing for concert, but the Band teacher gets sick and can't go to concert. Geek takes charge but things go wrong. Geek has flashbacks of, again, how is Band Class was perfect and organized.

Bratty Girl #1 ditches #2 on their science project to go to the concert where a guy she likes will be. #2 races to save her but it is too late when #1’s parents find out about it and tell #1 she is grounded. #1 is embarrassed in front of guy. She has flashbacks of last episode with Jock. Geeks try to defend them but #1’s parents ignore them.

3. Pranks and Tests

Jocks are picking on Geek and Nerd. But Geek and Nerd have devised a plan to get back at them. Geek has flashbacks of being picked on by the Jocks, until he put a stop to it. The Geeks plan to get back at the Jocks but the prank actually hits the Clique “popular group.” Bratty girls catch it on tape and put it on YouToo.

The Bratty girls try to get into a certain popular "group." But they have to go through a series of tests that aren't worth it in the end.

4. Favors

Geek and Nerd can’t seem to get a date. Geek has flashbacks of when he couldn’t get a date that happened a lot. Geek and Nerd ask Bratty Girls on advice for getting a date.

The Bratty Girls agree to help Geek and Nerd on one condition only: if the Geek and the Nerd can get them into that popularity group free of tests. The Geek and the Nerd try and convince the group that it will help their popularity if they accept Bratty Girls in. The group doesn't accept them in the end.

5. Party Crashers

A party is thrown. The only people that aren't invited are Geek, Nerd, and Bratty Girls #1 and #2. The Geek and the Nerd decide to crash the party. It is mistaken and they are ignored even more. Geek has flashbacks of his old school and how he was popular.

The Bratty Girls decide to crash the party also. They end up doing it at the same time and everybody thinks that Bratty Girls and Geek and Nerd are doing it together. Bratty Girls lose their popularity and try to gain it back by making fun of other people. When they had lost their popularity they had flashbacks of when they were popular.

6. Let Us Fight!

The Orchestra is introduced. Band and Orchestra have to perform together but end up getting in a fight at the concert. Geek has flashbacks of how his Band and Orchestra got a long.

Bratty Girls get sick of the group they can't get into rejecting them so they form their own which causes even more fights. They have flashbacks of when they used to be in that group.

7. and 8. 1-hour special. Premier 1 week apart. The Mall and the Forest

7. – 8. The Mall and the Forest

The Band and Orchestra are going on a bus through the mountains to get to a concert. But then the bus breaks down and they are forced to go camping together. Geek has flashbacks of when he was camping with his family.

Bratty Girls are locked in a mall overnight and have flashbacks of being together.

9. - 12. 4-part special. Geeks. Populars. And a Movie.

9. Geeks. Populars. And a Movie: A Director's Fans

The Geek and Nerd are huge fans of the director and keep trying to impress her while visiting the set. But things go wrong for the Geek and Nerd as they are stopped by security. Geek has flashback of when he was accused of stealing something.

Bratty Girls audition for the movie. They have flashbacks of their lives that could help them with auditions, they end up winning in the end.

10. Geeks. Populars. And a Movie: While Preparing for a Role and Going Behind the Scenes

The movie is decided to film at Bratty Girls' and Geeks' school. The director accepts Geeks and Nerds as part of the movie. Although they are chosen for something they don't expect. Behind the Scenes directing. Geek has flashbacks of the same director filming a movie in his house. He gets sort of mad.

Bratty girls are having problems getting into character so they get professionals to help them. Dwayne Johnson will guest star.

11. Geeks. Populars. And a Movie: Taking Charge!!!

Director asks the school band to perform music for the movie. Geek doesn't think the Band teacher is doing a good job so he takes charge again and the music ends up being fabulous. The song creates flashbacks in his mind of how he had come so far with the Band since the beginning.

Someone on set is trying to get the Bratty Girls fired. They have flashbacks of who it could be.

12. Geeks. Populars. And a Movie: The Geeks Go Crazy!!!

Geek and Nerd become all out obsessed fans if the movie and begin doing weird things. They have flashbacks of them normal selves and eventually change back.

When Bratty Girls return to school the group they wanted to be in wants them in the group, but they only want #1 not #2. #1 and #2 have flashbacks of their friendship and trials.

13. Scared of Summer School? I'll help you, if you go Out With Me…

Nerd fails to show up on time to do Jocks’ homework, they begin hunting him down. Nerd has flashbacks of being chased by Jocks before Geek had arrived. Everything gets screwed up in the end.

If the Bratty Girls don't pass a Science quiz they will have to do summer school. Geek agrees to help them if #2 goes on a date with him. They agree and #2 ends up liking him. #2 has flashbacks of Geek.

14. Getting Competitive

Geeks have a good song going on, and then the Jocks come in and say they need them for their football game. Band Class defies his offer until Jocks agree to pretend to “hang out” with all of them. Their instruments are messed up and sounding weird in the end, so they make a fool of themselves. Geek has flashbacks of them touching his trumpet all the time.

Bratty Girls hold contest to see who can create the best outfit for their clothing line. They see each dress and keep having freaky flashbacks about it.

15. Movies and Science

Geek and #2 go to the same movie. They have gone alone, no one else wanted to go with them, so Geek went, and #2 ran into him at the movies. They end up liking the same things and having the same opinions and stuff so they befriend. #2 gives Geek a makeover as to make him look “hot.” Geek has flashbacks of his most nerdy moments.

Meanwhile, #1 asks Nerd to help her on her science fair project, they do it together and everyone takes it the wrong way. She has flashbacks of moments with Nerd and slowly likes him.

16. The Nerds

After being elected Geek in past episodes a “Nerd” group is finally formed, consisting of Geek, Nerd, and three other nerdy people. The Jocks let them all try out for football and post the video on YouToo. The Nerds have flashbacks on how to beat Jocks in football. They tuck the plans away.

Bratty Girls are having sleepover and have flashbacks of former boyfriend experiences.

17. – 19. 3-part special. Just a Few Parties

17. Just a Few Parties: Nerds

The Nerds decide to throw a dance/party in the school gymnasium. Geek has to run around and find replacement places for everyone that was planning something. He has flashbacks of running from door-to-door selling cookie-dough.

#2 pitches an idea for a lip-gloss line. Bratty Girls run around trying to track down Geek. The Jocks follow to crash Geek’s plans. Ends up in chaos. They too have flashbacks of selling cookie-dough.

18. Just a Few Parties: Jocks

Nerds are still mad about the crashing of the dance/party that the Jocks created. When they find out that the Jocks are throwing a dance/party out on the football field they all decide it is the perfect time for revenge. So the Nerds devise a formula to send shockwaves across the field, it will make everyone’s hair go frizzy and their clothes to wrinkle. Geek has flashbacks of this and decides not to do it.

Bratty Girls break into Science Lab at night to use the equipment for their Lip gloss line; they get locked in overnight and have flashbacks of being locked in mall.

19. Just a Few Parties: Brats

The Jocks pay the Nerds to create a stink bomb for money, not telling them what it is. They explode it at the Bratty Girls’ party and the Bratty Girls find out it was the Nerds. They don’t listen to them and run away, in the end the Nerds convince them they had no idea at all and the Jocks had used them. They buy the Bratty Girls more lip gloss stuff with the money they had received and begin helping them with the formula. Geek has flashbacks of giving others money when they were in times of need and distress.

It’s been awhile since the Bratty Girls had been locked in the lab. They have been banned from Lip Gloss stuff and the Lab in general. They decide to throw a dance/party outside on the soccer field. They get permission to do that. They invite the Nerds (since they sort of favor them) and they don’t invite the Jocks because they are jerks. Bratty Girl #1 has a flashback about Jock from episode 1.

20. – 21. 1-hour season finale. Discovering the Truth

20. Discovering the Truth: At the Movies

Geek and #2 still sort of like each other and keep going to movies. #2 has to cancel on #1 because she has a date with Geek but won’t tell her why, so #1 starts snooping. She follows #2 to the movies and sees her meet up with Geek. During that she has flashbacks of #2 canceling on her all the time and not telling her why.

Nerds and Jocks get in another fight and are put into detention, where they decide to have a football game, Jocks vs Nerds to settle it. Whoever wins has bragging rights for the rest of the year and the losers can’t bother them. They agree and the Nerds begin training using mathematical equations. The Jocks, again, post videos of their training on YouToo and get a lot of hits. Nerd has flashbacks of watching football on TV.

The episode closes with #1’s mouth open staring at #2 and Geek holding hands.

21. Discovering the Truth: Back at the School

Geek is confronted by #1. Then #2 then runs off before they can stop her. #2 and Geek decide to stop seeing each other and part their separate ways. At school everyone knows about it and #1 refuses to talk to #2, Geek cannot find the Nerds or the Jocks. He has flashbacks of no one talking to him a few episodes before.

The Orchestra, meanwhile, is in the works with the Jocks to stop the Nerds from winning the football game.

Before the football game starts the Clique, “popular group” accept #1 in and ignore #2. They run off to work on lip gloss.

Geek comforts #2 and #2 runs him to the football field where Geek joins game in the last minute. The Orchestra comes with their instruments and plays a song the Nerds HATE, the Band comes too and plays a song they love. The Nerds end up winning the football game. The season finale ends when principal calls Brats and Jocks into his office. He tells the Jocks and Brats for their bad behavior (Brats because he found out they were using lip gloss) that they are going to be joining Band Class.

End of BAND CLASS Season 1


Season 2

1. Band Class

Jocks and Brats agree to have each other’s backs when they go in there. They vote Geek as President of Band Class and Nerd as Vice President. They find it a totally bizarre experience and have flashbacks of their weird childhood experiences. They vote Geek as President of Band Class and Nerd as Vice President.

#2 steals sees the lip gloss idea in #1’s room, she takes it. She begins making the lip gloss; flashbacks of her friendship with #1 continually cross her mind.

2. Worst Enemies

The Nerds go to a science convention where Geek encounters his worst enemy; he has flashbacks of his enemy beating him by one point at every Science Fair project.

The Clique has trouble playing their new instruments. So the principal hires a new Band teacher. He is like a drill sergeant, and he does
not like the Clique or the Jocks. They hold secret meetings to try and learn how.

3. Butting Heads

When Nerds get back from science convention Geek butts heads with the new Band teacher. He continually argues with him and is always getting sent to detention. The principal knows the Band teacher is harsh and doesn’t put Geek’s detention on record, he quickly befriends Geek. Geek asks principal to get Band teacher fired but he can’t.

The Clique discovers that #2 is now quite popular at school from selling their lip gloss. They hadn’t noticed it was their creation until they actually looked at the tube. They try to convince everyone it is their recipe, but no one believes them.

4. Frankenstein’s Song

Geek and Nerd try to convince their Band teacher to orchestrate a song about Frankenstein that they wrote. The Band teacher won’t so Geek holds “secret meetings.”

At the secret concert they perform Frankenstein’s Song and get a HUGE applause. Band teacher, also wrestling coach, comes into the gymnasium and sees the people clapping. Then he yells, “Get ‘em, boys!” There is a tussle as the Band and Wrestling team fight. In the end the Band teacher is fired as wrestling coach.

5. S. Gomez and a Haunted House

Geek decides to throw his annual haunted House but everyone else tries to change it. Even the Band teacher gets into it. It ends up being a success in the end.

Kristen’s Lip Gloss line is widely popular. Selena Gomez calls #2 to meet up with her. The Clique hears about it and tries and get into the meeting room to show Selena some of their clothing designs. Kristen stops them. In the end Selena and Kristen sign a deal with the lip gloss and the Clique end up being able to show Gomez their clothing ideas. She loves them and she begins to walk off. Clique is confused and asked aren’t you going to use them. Selena says no, what would use them for? And then she walks off.

6. The Myths are real…

Geek and Nerd invite a “Dracula” actor to come to their school’s annual Halloween Dance. When people start disappearing Geek and Nerd investigate and find out that Dracula is real, and they see his army of vampires, the people that had disappeared. In the end they end up destroying Dracula by dumping a bucket of melted garlic onto him. His army changes back to normal. This battle takes place at the Halloween Dance.

The Clique is planning for the prom, #1 wants to be Zombie Queen but Kristen is also running against her. In the end Kristen is allowed into Clique if they are allowed to help with the lip gloss.

7. Halloween Night

Geek and Nerd dress up and decide to compete for Guinness World Record for most candy collected in ten hours on Halloween. They have problem getting all the candy and end up tying with the record. Geek has a flashback him sliding a Jolly Rancher in his pocket, he pulls it out, and they have beaten the record!

Bratty Girls #1 and #2 (now quick friends again) decide to go alone Trick-or-Treating. #2 wants to see her grandmother in the graveyard because she had died three years ago on Halloween. #1 agrees and they get locked in the graveyard. They can’t help but having flashbacks of scary stories they were once told.

8. A Star Visits

Geek and Nerd roll their eyes at the vampire guy and decide to throw a pizza party for the principal who doesn’t like the vampire guy anyway. In the principal’s office they all have flashbacks of past episodes, the memorable moments.

A famous, popular star visits school, he has played in vampire films. The Clique all fight over who gets him. In the end he leaves without even talking to them.

9. When the Band Teacher Leaves for Vacation…

Their Band teacher leaves for vacation and the principal decides to let the Band class throw an ice cream party. But everything goes up in flames when the Band teacher arrives back to school early the next day. Geek has flashbacks of getting in trouble with the Band teacher, but someone shoves ice cream in his mouth and he loves it. They party until end of day.

Bratty Girls get put in charge of yearbook. They put pictures in there that aren’t supposed to be and they put too many pictures of themselves. They have to fix the problem before anyone finds out the next day when the yearbook will be printed. They sneak in overnight and get locked in the printer room overnight, everything goes haywire. They feverishly try to fix everything before the people get back to school. They get away safely, but, when the yearbook is released, it shows pictures of them in the printer room at nighttime, for there is a clock in the pictures, and the room is a mess. They get busted for it.

10. Modeling the Flu

Geek notices that people throw up throughout the day. Then they announce flu is going around. He is careful about who he touches and washes his hands often. People begin going home and, at the end of the day, Geek is standing in the school, completely alone. He suddenly has flashbacks of himself having the flu at his old school.

The Clique is hired for a modeling taking place on their street. While they are striding down the catwalk they all throw up and are kicked out. During the catwalk they had flashbacks of them as a kid, pretending to be a model.

11. The Orchestra’s Competition

In Band Class Nerd announces that the annual Orchestra Competition is coming up, it’s where the Orchestra chooses their best player and goes up against anyone else with a musical talent. They begin preparing for that.

Bratty Girl #1 is still sick from flu but manages to show up at the last minute because #2 drives her. During their musical act #1 gets WAY over competitive. Band Class wins in the end.

12. Geek Likes Brat, Brat Likes Geek

Geek goes to school and gets to lunch. The Clique keeps looking at him, and then #1 asks him out. He thinks she is kidding but she isn’t, so he goes out with her.

The Jocks are jealous of Geek and befriend him to get closer to #1. Weird things keep happening.

Then Geek wakes up.

13. Being Accused

Geek gets accused of stealing someone’s instrument after they organize lockers. They say he and the Band teacher are the only ones with all the combinations. Someone new is out to get him and he just has to find out who it is. Flashbacks of possible people it could be.

Bratty Girls try to suck up to teacher in order to get an A on there project. But the teacher doesn’t like suck-ups and fails them, they start doing extra things for him to get the A.

14. In High School there’s always a Musical

The principal is holding a musical for the school. Families will be invited to the event, along with friends and teachers. Once he mentions this Geek has a flashback of his old life when they put on a musical, it ended up in total chaos and disaster. Band teacher begins orchestrating the music for the play but Geek tries to take over saying it is horrible.

The Clique tells the principal he should allow all of them the lead roles and he declines. They get sick of the principal never listening to them so they begin singing everything they feel. In the end they end up dancing onto stage and throwing it into disaster. But they end with a fabulous song anyway.

15. Why Some People Can Be Jerks…

The Nerds are talking about the new guy that will be coming and they are excited. When he shows up the new guy teams up with the Jocks and begins picking on the Nerds. They decide to show him who’s boss. The Jocks and Nerds have flashback of season 1 finale, when they won the football game. New guy challenges them to basketball game and new guy wins. The Nerds devise a plan to get new guy in trouble; they tick the new guy off right as the principal is walking past. And then he gets in a lot of trouble. He is transferred to a different school.

Bratty Girls #1 and #2’s fashion trend finally hit stores; everyone begins wearing the exact same outfit they do, every day. They soon get annoyed.

16. In Favor Of the President

Band Class is discussing what to do, they have no concerts or anything planned for the next few weeks. Suddenly Geek gets a call from the President of the United States; he claims that they have been recommended to play for one of his speeches. They prepare for it and travel there. They play perfectly.

#2 and Clique talk to #1 through radio as she tries to sneak into the president’s office to show them their brand new shampoo ideas. Everything goes wrong.

17. Where Some People Get Their Ideas

A famous author is coming to speak at their school. The Nerds are excited and plan out how to meet him. When they do they show him some of the novels they had written. He says he will review the books on his blog, well, come to find out, he steals their idea. They try to prove it was theirs. During all of this Geek has a flashback when people stole his stories and said they made it up.

Bratty Girls have to help set up for another Band concert, but they get locked in the basement. Flashbacks of all the times they’d been locked in come rushing at them.

18. Some Treasure…

The Nerds are going through their school’s history books. Then they come across a legend of a treasure. The legend says that the treasure is hidden in their school; they set out to look for it. They go through terrorizing events, hurtful incidents, and booby traps before they finally reach the treasure.

Meanwhile, the Bratty Girls mess up in every one of their classes due to the shaking of the building. The school begins falling apart.

In the end the treasure they found will cover enough for the damage caused, one half will be donated to a museum, and the other half will go towards the school’s funds. The Nerds get nothing in return. Except for cleanup duty.

19. – 21. 3-part special. Santa’s coming To Town

19. Santa’s coming To Town: Caved In

Christmas is drawing near. Band Class is performing their last song at the concert when the principal runs up to Band teacher and whispers something in his ear. People begin filing out of the gymnasium but can’t get out the doors. They have been snowed in. They decide to dig their way out. During the digging Geek has flashbacks of him being snowed out of his house. Eventually they succeed.

Bratty Girl #1 has ditched concert early and meets up with #2, they get caught in a wild snow storm. When they make it home they see their school snowed in, think of their lip gloss in their and immediately go back to school. They begin digging tunnels to the doors of the school but get caved in. They are trapped. They think they will die so they have flashbacks of funny moments with each other.

Once the people get out they do a head count and notice that the #1 and #2 are missing.

20. Santa’s coming To Town: Grandma and More Tunnels

Geek decides that Band Class can stay at his house. They’re performing music for his family, (the only entertainment due to snow) when Geek’s grandma comes in. Geek’s grandparents make a dance to the music they play.

Bratty Girls are stuck in the tunnel and begin panicking. They have flashbacks of the graveyard and see their names on the tombstones. They have flashbacks of their childhood while digging. #1 and #2 decide to dig more tunnels and eventually make it into the school. No one is there. They search the whole school, find their lip gloss, then they see the tunnels ahead.

21. Santa’s coming To Town: Decorating and Flying Home

Geek wakes up and the snow is even higher over their house now. His mom is upset because they didn’t have time to decorate. She lies down to take a nap. Geek immediately takes charge and tells everyone staying there they need to decorate the house with all the supplies they had. They complete the decorating before his mom wakes up. During all of that he had flashbacks of when he used to decorate as the kid. It wasn’t nearly as extraordinary as it was then.

Bratty Girls are walking in the middle of the snowstorm when, suddenly, Santa flies down next to them. They hop in the sleigh and they have flashbacks of hearing and even seeing Santa when they were kids. It makes #1 think about how mean she was to people. He drops them down Geek’s chimney where her parents are staying.

Everybody wakes up the next day and see presents addressed to everyone in the house. #1 looks behind her and sees Santa. He winks and disappears, #1 smiles.

End of BAND CLASS Season 2

So, what'd ya think? I actually think these are very fresh, new ideas. Anyway, I'm really excited for Season 3, season 3 will be basically set around relationships. Seasons 1-3 is their sophmore year, seasons 4-6 are based around their Senior year. The movies are based around school breaks and vacations.

So, what's your favorite episode from Season 1?

What's your favorite from Season 2?

Just thought I'd leave you those questions.




Season 3 began today. I finished my editing for today last night for SOL, and tomorrow I'll be doing a lot with my aunt. I was bored, and I decided to begin season 3. Let me tell you, I'm still not running out of ideas. The 2 and 3 episode is Valentine's Day and St Patrick's Day. They're pretty cool.

The flashbacks seem repetetive, but those are the hardest part of the story. So far I have officially written down 45 episodes. Which I think is amazing coming from one person.

My aunt, the first person yet, will be looking over all of these episodes tomorrow. My first feedback yet...

I'd like to share one of my favorite songs ever:


  1. Season 1: The Nerds (Had to say that)

    Season 2: The Myths Are Real (Hate those kinda things in sitcoms but seems like it could work...for a Disney one)

    Also, if I may, I'd like to post a few of mine from various seasons (I have a LOT more than this. About to write up Season Four soon. Tell me what you think? PS: They're really short descriptions)

    Marcus - Main Character, 16, likes martial arts
    Sam - Best friend, 16, likes basketball
    Andrew - Friend, 15, likes music/writing songs
    Rico - Best friend of Marcus, friend, 17, likes art
    Palmer - Marcus's Dad, 37, chef
    Shae - Marcus's Mom, 36, movie director
    Kylie - Marcus's little sister, 13, likes to cook
    Roy - Marcus's little brother, 10, likes football

    01. Driving Test
    - Marcus fails his driving test.
    - Roy and his friends are bullied at school

    05 Motion Picture
    - Shae must leave for another filming
    - Rico schemes to get into Shae's movie

    15 Holdup
    - Everyone goes to Palmer's restaraunt to eat for his birthday, but a robber shows up

    22 Oh My God
    - Fireworks burn down Trish's house (girl Marcus likes)


    35 Arcade King
    - Marcus makes money beating people at the arcade
    - Kylie has a crush on Sam


    42 Hijacking
    - The guys hijack a car

    50 GEEK
    - Marcus starts a blog (wink wink)

    59 Ola!
    - Rico's family stay over for a weel
    - Marcus's blog gets a bad review

    60 Crazy Train
    - Palmer accidentally falls asleep on a train
    - Sam gets in a car crash

    64 Big News
    - Sam gets a scholarship to USC

    NOTE: These aren't even the good ones, I just opened up a page in my notebook and picked them at random. What do you think?

  2. One more thing: this show is NOT intended for Disney Channel/Nickelodean. Uh uh. Those sitcoms suck. Watch something like That 70s Show, George Lopez and Family Matters. That's what MY show is like.

  3. I've seen stuff like that, I can honestly say I do not enjoy it that much. They're funny, but it's one of those things I can't sit down and watch.

    The only other non-kid friendly show I like is Seinfield. And THAT is hilarious.

  4. Oh, Zuproc, I love your ideas. I would definately see that. It seems the more of interesting. Is 64 your last one you have outlined? How many episodes do you have planned for each season average?

    Yeah, those sound good.

  5. Oh, by the way, you have Marcus's Dad, it should just be Marcus' Dad. Just a word of advice.

  6. Yeah, 64 is the last one. I have roughly 20 episodes for each season, though 3 has a bit more than that I think.

    Why can't you watch those kind of sitcoms? Too inappropriate? Don't get the jokes?

    Thanks for the feedback

  7. No, not that I can't, I just don't enjoy them that much, maybe I'll give them a shot sometime.

  8. Can I ask which one's you've tried?

  9. I don't really remember. I've seen an episode of George Lopez, I didn't enjoy it that much. I haven't tried 70's Show or Family Matters, but I've heard Family Matters is hilarious.

    I don't remember the name of the other ones but they were the same channel as the others.

  10. Family Matters IS hilarious! Steve Urkel is awesome!

    That 70s Show: Favorite sitcom EVER. It's just TOO funny! However, there are a lot of mature themes in there so, yeah.

    Everybody Hates Chris, Malcolm In the Middle, The Nanny. Average.

  11. Yeah, I've seen the first 2 ones you mentioned and those are good too.

  12. It'd be pretty cool if Band Class and Geek had like a crossover special...
